Be On Your Way to Empowerment Today!

This is a rare opportunity offered only once per year to learn from master intuitive and psychic development teacher Carrie Konyha with over three decades of experience in teaching people how to empower and master their intuition. Bring a whole new level of awareness to your spiritual growth and awakening journey with the power of intuition, guided by expert professional psychic and shamanic healing arts practitioner/instructor, Carrie Konyha - owner of EarthWisdom Healing Arts Center in Sedona, Arizona!

  • Thrive in personal empowerment through intuitive living

  • Discover and strengthen your unique intuitive gifts

  • Unlock the 6 pathways of intuitive communication

  • Learn to access your intuition at will with clarity and confidence.

  • Explore practices for channeling Divine guidance for yourself and others

  • Establish foundations for pathways into healing arts careers.

  • Bring an added depth and scope to your existing healing arts career

  • Tap into empowered living and clear purpose as an empath

  • Develop the needed foundational skills for becoming a professional psychic


Countdown timer

Registeration Is Open. The program launches on Sat. Oct 7

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What You Will Discover in these 12 Weeks

In this 12-week transformative immersion, you will be guided thru the fundamental skills you need to cultivate proficiencies in strengthening mastery of the language of your soul. Manifest positive life transformation, achieve empowered, soulful living and learn to thrive in life as an Empath.

  • Are you an empath on a journey of spiritual awakening, healing and empowerment? This course offers all the answers, insights and guidance you've been looking for and will open up the pathways to vibrant living in alignment with your deepest soul gifts and truest soul path.

  • Are you preparing for a career in healing arts or are you ready to deepen the scope of your existing healing arts practice? Carrie has been training professional psychics and healing arts practitioners since 1996! Thats 25 years and counting! Its her burning passion to support you in becoming the best healing practitioner you can be! This course prepares you for Carries courses in "Mastering The Art Of Psychic Reading" course, "Healing Tools for Intuitive Practitioners" course and her "Intuitive Healing Arts Practitioner" Certification .

  • On-Demand Video Streaming Plus Live Zoom. Can't make the Lives? No worries! This 12-week apprenticeship features 6 pre-recorded modules (65 lessons total) including video lessons, guided audio meditations/practices, downloadable files and suggested homework assignments. Students have unlimited access to the pre-recorded lessons for one year after the course is complete and the 6 live group zoom calls are recorded and available for unlimited playback too so you never have to miss anything.

Master Your Intuition!

with renown psychic, Carrie Konyha

Empower the language of your soul to manifest positive life transformation and vibrant living! Carrie Konyha is a life-long career professional psychic, spiritual guide and shamanic energy healing practitioner who has been training intuitive coaches, professional psychics and energy healing practitioners for more than 25 years! Now for the first time, she is offering her intuitive development apprenticeship program in this new online learning format, making it more accessible globally. Carrie lives and works in Sedona Arizona where she is the owner and primary practitioner at "EarthWisdom Healing Arts Center" . She has been awarded "Best Psychic Reader in Sedona, AZ for multiple consecutive years. Her passion is empowering others to strengthen and gain confidence in their connection to their own intuition and also to mentor others pursuing a professional path within healing arts careers. Learn more about Carries work at

The Details

Heres what you need to know before we begin.

  • Start Date

    This 12-week apprenticeship launches on Saturday Oct. 7 which is when the first module of pre-corded material is released. There will be a short "orientation" live group zoom call a week before, to get everyone acquainted with the structure of the program.

  • Go At Your Own Pace

    This program includes 6 pre-recorded modules (65 lessons total, including video, audio, downloadable files and interactive feedback forms )that you can access in your own time and progress through at your own pace. There will also be 6 live group calls via zoom that are also recorded and available for replay the next day, for those who cant make the lives.

  • Continuing The Journey

    This program is a complete offering in and of itself and also serves as the foundation for higher level certification programs offered here at EarthWisdom School. This apprenticeship is only offered once per year so take advantage of signing up now for the 2023 program starting Sat. Oct 7

Course Schedule

Access Week One Module Starting Sat. Oct 7th, 2023

Pre-Recorded Training Modules Released Bi-Weekly On Saturdays
Live zoom calls same time, every other week
10a PDT,  10a MST, 12pm CT, 1pm EDT

Week 1 (12 lessons)
Discover the psychic system,  6 pathways of intuition and how it speaks to you. Gain tools needed to start clarifying and strengthening intuition right away. Learn to access the gifts and navigate the challenges of the psychic senses. Gain deeper insights thru experiential exercises and suggested homework assignments guided by Carries teachings. 

Week 2
Live Zoom Q & A Group Video Call, 1 hr (recorded and available for playback the following day)

Week 3 (7 lessons)
Introduction to 'Clairsentience" - Discover the world of psychic sensing/feeling as we activate the reception area for clairsentience and explore the similarities and difference between being empathic and intuitive sensing/feeling. in this lesson we also learn about Psychometry and how to practice it. come away with clear cut homework recommendations to support your development 

Week 4
Live Zoom Q & A Group Video Call, 1 hr (recorded and available for playback the following day)

Week 5 (13 lessons)
Clairvoyance + Psychic Seeing - Get acquainted with how you uniquely receive intuitive information thru inner visions. Learn about the Universal language of symbolism, the vibrational qualities of color and how to see subtle energy clairvoyantly. Experience Pineal Gland activation techniques and several developmental practices to hone your clairvoyant abilities

Week 6
Live Zoom Q & A Group Video Call, 1 hr (recorded and available for playback the following day)

Week 7 (11 lessons)
Clairaudience and Channeling - unlock the power of clairaudience, telepathy and learn how to channel guidance from your own higher self and spirit guides. Learn about the Akashic Records and how to access your own with the support of your guides. Learn the similarities and differences between channeling and mediumship and work with the suggested homework assignments to hone your skills

Week 8
Live Zoom Q & A Group Video Call, 1 hr (recorded and available for playback the following day)

Week 9 (7 lessons)
Claircognizance and Silent Knowledge - Unlock the pure potential of the "Cave of Brahma" located in the center of the brain as we explore and discover intuitive knowing and silent knowledge. Be guided thru several spiritual awareness gaining practices to strengthen and support spiritual growth and awakening as you hone your skills in claircognizance. 

Week 10
Live Zoom Q & A Group Video Call, 1 hr (recorded and available for playback the following day)

Week 11 (11 lessons)
Energy Anatomy, sensing and interpreting subtle energy - this is where we learn all about the chakra, the aura, how energy flows and how to intuitively/psychically read subtle energy using any or all of the modalities of the intuitive senses we have already explored in previous modules. Also learn practices for managing your personal energy and raising your vibrational frequency. 

Week 12
Live Zoom Q & A Group Video Call, 1 hr (recorded and available for playback the following day)

Bonus Module (4 lessons)
Mastering Awareness and Empowering Your inner Shaman - this is where everything we have learned all comes together in unified flow that supports us in harnessing the power of our intuition to support our soul growth, spiritual development, awakening of consciousness, enabling a foundation for next steps in personal development and/or foundations for professional growth within the various fields of energy healing practitioners 

Next Steps
This very last module gives you suggestions on next steps for personal development, continued learning thru EarthWisdom School and offers a space for you to contribute feedback about your experience with the course. 

Pre-Register Today

Take advantage of the rare, once per year opportunity. Convenient Payment Installment Plan Options! Course launches on Saturday Oct. 7, 2023

Bonus Material

This Apprenticeship includes prerecorded video, audio and downloadable text content in addition to live group video calls PLUS the following bonus learning supports.

  • Reflections

    The Reflections segment at the end of of each learning module provide suggested homework assignments and discovery topics to contemplate and journal about, to support you in integrating the teachings of each module.

  • Guided Meditations

    Each module includes a short guided meditation that supports you in accessing your intuitive self and enables you to establish a meditation practice of your own

  • Community Page

    Connect with others in the program! Share and support one another in your journey in learning and developing in a community page set up just for those in this apprenticeship program.

Pricing options

Register now and be on your way to empowerment today!

Stay tuned for updates

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Thank You

Voted 2023 Best Psychic Reader in Sedona, AZ