Master Your Intuition

with renown psychic, Carrie Konyha

Empower the language of your soul to manifest positive life transformation and vibrant living! Carrie has been training intuitive coaches, professional psychics and energy healing practitioners since 1996 and now for the first time, she is offering her Mastering Intuition program as an on-demand, video streaming course, making it more accessible globally. Carrie lives and works in Sedona Arizona where she is the owner and primary practitioner at "EarthWisdom Healing Arts Center" . She has been awarded "Best Psychic Reader in Sedona, AZ for multiple consecutive years. Her passion is empowering others to strengthen and gain confidence in their connection to their own intuition and also to mentor others pursuing a professional path within healing arts careers. Learn more about Carries work at

Who This Master Course is For

In this 8 week transformative immersion, you will be guided thru the fundamental skills you need to achieve mastery of the intuitive language of your soul. Manifest positive life transformation, achieve empowered, soulful living and learn to thrive in life with the power of Intuition.

  • Empaths

    Are you an empath on a journey of spiritual awakening, healing and empowerment? This course offers all the answers, insights and guidance you've been looking for and will open up the pathways to vibrant living in alignment with your deepest soul gifts and truest soul path.

  • Energy Healers

    Are you preparing for a career as an intuitive energy healing practitioner? Or are you ready to deepen the scope of your existing healing arts practice? Carrie has been training professional psychics and healing arts practitioners since 1996! Its her burning passion to support you in becoming the best intuitive / energy healing practitioner you can be!

  • Awakening Souls

    Complete this course in your own timing! with the convenience of this on-demand streaming format, you never have to miss anything! This Master Course Includes video lessons, guided audio meditations, downloadable files, suggested homework assignments and even live Q & A calls as an ad-on option. Students have unlimited access for one year after enrollment date and earn a certification of training upon successful course completion! Yoga professionals earn Yoga Alliance CEU's.

Course curriculum

    1. A Welcome Message From Your Instructor

    2. First Steps!

    3. Before We Begin

    1. Defining Intuition, Psychic Ability and Awareness

    2. Why Should I Develop My Intuition

    3. The Psychic System and Levels of Consciousness

    4. Essential Keys to Empowering Intuition

    5. Three Keys to Accessing Intuition and Potential Obsticals

    6. the 6 Pathways of Intuition

    7. Dominant Sense Confirming Excercise

    8. Introduction to Meditation

    9. Guided Meditation to Access Intuition

    10. Homework 1 - Practice Noticing Your Inner Guidance

    11. Homework 2 - Establishing a Daily Meditation Practice

    12. Homework 3 - Journaling Prompts for Deeper awareness

    13. Module 1 Take Aways and Questions

    1. Introduction to Clairsentience

    2. Empathic Abilities VS Clairsentienct

    3. Discovering Psychometry

    4. Activating The Reception Area for Clairsentience

    5. Homework 1 - Practice Sensing

    6. Homework 2 - Sensing Energy in Others, A case study

    7. Radiant Glow Exercise

    8. Module 2 Take Aways and Questions

    1. Introduction to Clairvoyance

    2. Activating The Reception Area For Clairvoyance

    3. Discovering the Universal Language of Symbolism

    4. Vibrational Quality of Color

    5. Pineal Gland Activation Technique

    6. Rose Viewing Receptacle Exercise

    7. Create Your Clairvoyant Symbolism Dictionary

    8. Seeing Energy Clairvoyantly (Aura/Chakras)

    9. Clairvoyance For Healing And Manifestation

    10. Homework 1 - Trataka

    11. Activate Your Highest Timeline with Visualization

    12. Homework 3 - Practice Accessing Clairvoyance daily

    13. Module 3 Take-Aways + Submitting Questions

    1. Introduction to Clairaudience and Channeling

    2. Activating the Reception Area for Clairaudience

    3. Intro Channeling Your Higher Self

    4. Channeling Your Higher Self Guided Meditation

    5. Connecting with Your Spirit Guide

    6. Guided Meditation to Connect with Your Spirit Guide

    7. Intro to Mediumship

    8. Telepathy and Telepathic Communication

    9. Telepathic Sending and Receiving Practices

    10. Akashic Records Integration

    11. Guided Akashic Records Journey

    12. Homework - Listening for Guidance

    13. Module 4 Take-Aways + Questions

    1. Introduction to Claircognizance

    2. Accessing the Reception Area for Claircognizance

    3. Spiritual Self Reliance - Empowering Your Silent Knowledge

    4. Timeline Scanning with Claircognizance

    5. Silent Knowledge Guided Meditation

    6. Homework 1 - Practicing Presence to access Silent Knowledge

    7. Homework 2 - Following Your Guidance

    8. Module Take-Aways + Submitting Questions

About this course

  • 77 lessons
  • 7.5 hours of video content

Be On Your Way to Empowerment Today!

This is a unique and convenient opportunity to learn from renowned professional Psychic, Carrie Konyha, with over three decades of experience in teaching people how to master their intuition. Bring a whole new level of awareness to your spiritual growth and awakening journey with the power of intuition, guided by expert professional psychic and shamanic healing arts practitioner/instructor, Carrie Konyha - owner of EarthWisdom Healing Arts Center in Sedona, Arizona!

  • Thrive in personal empowerment through intuitive living

  • Discover and strengthen your unique intuitive gifts

  • Unlock the 6 pathways of intuitive communication

  • Learn to access your intuition at will with clarity and confidence

  • Explore practices for channeling Divine guidance for yourself and others

  • Establish foundations for pathways into healing arts careers

  • Bring an added depth and scope to your existing healing arts career

  • Tap into empowered living and clear purpose as an empath

  • Develop the needed foundational skills for becoming a professional psychic

Pricing options

pay upfront to take advantage of our convenient installment plan option!

Empower Your Potential, Starting Today